Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Kyle Kinaschuk : Five poems





trenton reid sutherland

and i return the rend lost
in letter rot under hands 
torn hardened until rest  

our thin relent stranded
terse hurt inner and told
distant then rerun older

it held terror unsent and
lent reason ridden truth
thorn lettered ruins and

let in dead northern rust  
send the errant urn i told 
the red arson tunnel dirt  





in letter rot under hand
terse hurt inner and told 

and i return the rend lost        

    v  y   f   v  ,    

revert death, vinyl turns—fond

revert death, vinyl turns—fond

i rustle red and then torn






distant then rerun older   
terse hurt inner and told 

terse hurt inner and told 

m     b by x x

belt a hydro mix       next       burn t        rends

belt a hydro mix       next       burnt        rends

let errant sound thin red






let in dead northern rust  
renton r id sutherland 
orn hardened until rest   

w           g             m     c   p bayb  a

bring word ash encrypted lament but

bring word ash encrypted lament but

heard it untorn lend rest






terse hurt inner and told 
trenton reid sutherland            

stant then rerun older   

w y          b              y     umb 

we try old numbers a study in new breath

we try old numbers a study in new breath

letters unheard  




Kyle Kinaschuk is a PhD Candidate in the Department of English at the University of Toronto. Kyle’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Studies in Canadian Literature, Canadian Literature, Studies in Philosophy and Education, The Capilano Review, Contemporary Verse 2, PRISM international, and elsewhere. He is the author of a chapbook, COLLECTIONS-14 (above/ground press, 2019).

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