Showing posts with label Jason Emde. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jason Emde. Show all posts

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Jason Emde : left behind: molly




                                    a luscious mass delicate
                                              of flaws & curves
                                    with no idea
                                              of her own beauty,
                                              or the power of her hip-sway walk
                                                         in Israeli fields, in London, in
                                                                      lodgepole pine Banff

                                    she is a body in the world
                                              harmonious, connected, bending
                                                         to the work

                                           (missed her by streets & minutes in summer London 1990)

                                    & yes, a lickerish mind,
                                              famous unbrazen but blue & lubricious
                                    — that harmony again,
                                    the full-body code of
                                                         on glass                                             

                                    (her head against the window
                                    on a flight to New York)

                                              she is in the world again

                                         if you
                                    ever get close to her
                                    & bend to kiss the
                                    jugular notch
                                              or kneel at her belly
                                                         at just the right height
                                                                   to remember & praise

                                    the perfection of her
                                    generosity, her legs
                                              of forgiveness

                                    her lift & lick
                                              is the time hook
                                    & you will look
                                              for this forever

                                    she is a body
                                    she is more body than you
                                    she is a body
                                              in every direction

                                    we were cautious in Tokyo but
                                              later yes: bone axe
                                                         & wolf brush                                             

                                    (steel wrapped in iron & rooted in rock)

                                    she is more body than you

                                              she is more miracle,
                                              there is always more—
                                                         remember & praise

                                                              remember & praise





Jason Emde is a teacher, writer, undefeated amateur boxer, Prince enthusiast, podcaster, and a graduate of the University of British Columbia's MFA Creative Writing program. A finalist for the CBC Creative Nonfiction literary award, Jason is the author of My Hand’s Tired & My Heart Aches (Kalamalka Press, 2005) and little bit die (Bolero Bird, 2023). Informed and inspired by such authors as Jack Kerouac, Don DeLillo, Susan Musgrave, Walt Whitman, Lucia Berlin, Louis-Ferdinand Céline, and Joan Didion, and focused on roving, expatriation, pilgrimage, loss, and a systematic derangement of the senses, his work has appeared in numerous magazines and journals, including Real Travel, The Malahat Review, Soliloquies Anthology, Ulalume Lighthouse, PopMatters, The Watershed Review, Short Writings from Bulawayo III, Burnt Pine Magazine, and Who Lies Beautifully: The Kalamalka Anthology, as well as featuring in Orange Lighthouse's Post-a-Poem project. Emde is also the creator and host of the Writers Read Their Early Sh*t podcast. Now working on a travel memoir, Solved By Walking: Wising Up, Breaking Through, & Conquering Death on Japan’s 1200-Year-Old Buddhist Pilgrimage, Emde lives in Gifu City, Japan, with his wife, Maho, and their typhoon sons, Joe and Sasha.

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