Showing posts with label nina jane drystek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nina jane drystek. Show all posts

Saturday, September 2, 2023

nina jane drystek : on missing matrilineal






In August 2021, my uncle was admitted to hospital in Ottawa. I dropped him off and parked his car at my place, marvelling at the absurdity of a tall leggy man driving a Nissan Micra. He had been in the hospital more than a few times and had health challenges for most of his life, so nothing seemed exceptionally unusual about his visit.

Over the course of four months, I visited with him, and he didn’t get any fresh air save for the minutes between his transfer from hospital to ambulance to hospital back in Barry’s Bay. Remembering my grandfather’s hospital transfers decades earlier, I expected that it would be hard on Ray, but he still wanted to go, to get back home. A short while after his return, Uncle Ray passed away.

You hope, before someone dies, that you will have the chance to ask them all the questions that have bubbled up and never been uncovered. You think you have time. You think, later, later. While I am sure there are some who can bridge that gap in time, and as much as I wish I was one of them, the fear of knowing or upsetting or being hurt or being seen holds me back (especially when it comes to family). Then, sometimes suddenly, that thread is cut. Who will you turn to now for answers?

In many ways I consider my uncle a part of my matrilineal line (here, I mean the line of matriarchs, not strictly my mother’s line, of which he was not). He deeply admired his mother, my grandmother. He knit and made us sweaters and even left me a pair of handmade socks. He never shied away from talking about my mum, who died when I was barely a teenager, and though it hurt for many years to hear him mention her, he only ever held a great fondness for Mary-Jane. He was loyal and loved each one of his nieces and his nephew. He was gay and no one really talked about it.

Though I was there on his final day, I still feel I let him down as I fumbled through the process. At the end, he told me, I want to be surrounded by family. It was a process I had missed learning from with the previous familial death—that of my grandmother Eleanor in 2013. That’s only one of the reasons I needed to be there.

In our last conversation, I told Ray that I remembered the pink dress he bought me and how we drove around listening to country music, and he remembered too. I said I wished we had more time and that I would write poems about him, but I don’t know if that made him happy or sad or if he was indifferent (to poetry, that is, which many people in my family are). While that poem is not in missing matrilineal, Ray has a cameo in the first long poem alongside his brothers (my other uncle and my dad), and the church he loved in Wilno is almost as prominent as when you drive past it on Highway 60.

Often we think about grief when it comes to death is often about grief, but there is also wonder—all that is left unknown, all that was never said, all that changes. It creates spaces to string with spiderweb memories, to test to see if they hold. The two long poems in this collection are about that, about communing with my mother and grandmother, and creating a link with my briefly born sister, Isabelle, through the work of Toulouse Lautrec and the family home that is now my home.

What is the middle poem? What is the body? What is the mind? All these floating scraps wrapping us tight?

Perhaps loss has bred my dysmorphic relationship with the world. Certainly, it is circumstance intimately felt. A fractured lyric, a secret language, misremembered memories and fairy tales tapped for (mis)guidance. Thirty years on. Twenty years on. Ten years. Two. How do we account for how far we’ve come? What has become? Perhaps accounting has nothing to do with it, but I keep tracing it back in this way. And my own thread? Where does the cast meet the dark surface? I cannot know, though I regularly fear it is shorter than I think.

Still, there are these poems. And there will be more. And I hope that you enjoy their strangeness, their language, their unexpected sexuality and confusion—after all, haven’t you felt it too?





nina jane drystek is a poet, writer and performer based in Ottawa, unceded Algonquin Anishinaabe territory. she is author of a:of:in (Gap Riot Press, 2021), knewro suite (Simulacrum Press, 2019) and missing matrilineal (above/ground press, 2023), and her poems have appeared in online and print publications, as well as in self-published chapbooks and broadsides. her original sound poem scores can be heard on bandcamp. she is one of the co-founders of Riverbed Reading Series, was shortlisted for the 2020 Bronwen Wallace Award for Poetry, writes collaborative poetry with VII – authors of holy disorder of being (Gap Riot, 2022) and Towers (Collusion Books, 2021) – and performs sound poetry with the rotating group of collaborators. if you have ever lived in the same city as her you have likely seen her riding a red or blue bicycle. you can find her @textcurious.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

nina jane drystek : Three poems



for another heart beat

winds whip through these hills
gather in the valley

semi-transparent white

a glass from the cupboard
what was it you wanted

dust whorl of a broom
the system brings what it does

nothing is stationary
in this universe everything sways

shifts swift hunger bunching
unfold the tulle of my crinoline

needles crunch grass
don me

dance me closely





you take water into yourself          you
take it out          transform it          taste it           tackle
it to your cells          grapple me           roll us

in the dust          soak          mud puddle          i
never meant to make you          did you

make me          our cells unfolding
a spring          a fan          endless rolling sprawl

stunned          stung by sunlight

i am drained          i am dripping          melting slowly

shock me solid          lighten me
lightning          lessen this lounging
lust me inside the folds of your ear

trap me among crystals          sound
beats setting body off balance          you destabilize        

spin          i would gladly be here again          soberly sullied

what softness makes me          i unmake          picking          panicking

unripe apples fall        bruise          begin to rot
before my eyes          a rat makes off with one         lying here
on the oblong stones          i am delectable        

reaching my hand lustily          do you feel it          crawl
my hands along your shadow          dripping between          cracks for sand


one / five twenty five

smooth white buds pop from fuzz
curl blooming magnolia

red cardinal arc flutters a trill
melody calling back to itself

for the first time i recognise a song
from branch to fence squirrels chatter

virus versus iris
today confirms she is within me

i cannot smell spring but know she is here
the sky is beyond and i am within it

count on my fingers when
did my breath catch in her presence

back and forth along this path
try to trace health lines

when panic became a warning sign
flutter in my chest

subtle usual, subtle unusual
my nose knows creeping is no illusion

who hears, who knows i am here
crying behind the hydro pole

days ago i ran and ran and ran
the world was opening

today nothing feels more beautiful
than looking up, harbouring

i am keeping her under wraps
no strength to make an escape

dot on a line statistic
i am not the first or last vessel

suckle hurl seethe i will her
negotiation needs negation

change is a new category
green husks fall from above for living




nina jane drystek is a poet, writer and performer based in Ottawa, unceded Algonquin Anishinaabe territory. she is author of knewro suite (Simulacrum Press, 2019) and her poems have appeared in several print and online publications, as well as in self-published chapbooks and broadsides. her original sound poetry scores can be heard on bandcamp. she is one of the co-founders of Riverbed ReadingSeries, was shortlisted for the 2020 Bronwen Wallace Award for Poetry, writes collaborative poetry with VII, and performs sound poetry with the ensemble quatuour gualuour. if you have ever lived in the same city as her you have likely seen her riding a red or blue bicycle. you can find her @textcurious

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