Showing posts with label Yoyo Comay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoyo Comay. Show all posts

Friday, November 3, 2023

Yoyo Comay : Sumpharvest (XI)




curling like smoke

of wrought iron, smote

in the earthforge

by the heat

of its squeaking teeth

its sweating jaw

and its eyes ever setting

into place


wishbones clack

like cockcrows

down its mut


hearing from air

like prying water

from its maw


shivering molars

of water

pulled like teeth

picked like lice

from the day’s bristling scalp

itching to brushfire


fontanel swelling

& you, stitched

below the solar plexus


no such too far

only stops between

here & here


o, what a mess I’ve made

of my mind


we earn our wage

of war

and learn at last

to sleep in ourselves


attachments tear

like gum from a desk

flesh from muscle

the gristle sticking

like velcro

groaning as it goes


life rhymes silently

all the while


the vivids of difference


peaks of wave dimensionless

no depth to speak from

looking back can be

like hearing a stranger

in your mothers voice


the world lain exposed

like a like a like a

leather glove inside-outed

a fluted shinbone

for piping upon


syringed from life

for the barest inch of time

until every bodied spot

touches every other


the self unscreened



the sugar crystal of desire


on the brain’s wet tongue


full of unexpected guests

like gods

they muddy the rug

& eat the plastic fruits


I found the right time

but forgot the numbers

I forgot the numbers

but found the right time





Yoyo Comay is a poet and musician from Toronto. He released his first EP of original music Crushed under the name Sufferin Mall in 2022, and his debut poetry collection, States of Emergency, was published with Vehicule Press in 2023. His work has appeared in The Peripheral Review, Commo Mag, Touch the Donkey, Metatron Press, and Small Walker Press. He is also a co-founder of the Toronto Experimental Translation Collective.

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