Showing posts with label Amanda Earl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amanda Earl. Show all posts

Friday, March 8, 2024

Amanda Earl : 2024 VERSeFest interviews: AJ Dolman


AJ Dolman’s (they/she) debut poetry book is Crazy / Mad (Gordon Hill Press, spring 2024). A professional editor, Dolman is also the author of Lost Enough: A collection of short stories, and three poetry chapbooks, and co-edited Motherhood in Precarious Times (Demeter Press, 2018). Their poetry, fiction and essays have appeared in numerous magazines and anthologies, recently including Canthius, Arc Poetry Magazine, QT Literary Magazine, and The Quarantine Review. They are a bi/pan+ rights advocate living on unceded Anishinabe Algonquin territory.

AJ Dolman reads in Ottawa on Sunday, March 24, 2024 as part of VERSeFest 2024.

Amanda Earl: Crazy/Mad is full of puns, and language play: alliteration, assonance, nouns turned into verbs, unique collectives such as “a sorrow of stones.” You have a poem for John Lavery, who was an ingenious word worker. Can you talk about your love of sound and word play? Was your first language Dutch? How does the knowledge of other languages affect your English play with words and sound? Would you like to say more about Lavery?

AJ Dolman: John Lavery was indeed a genius at language and I miss him, and the thrill of reading new writing by him, terribly. We didn’t always agree, but we respected each other, and he never let me off the hook, always prompting me with “So, what are you working on now?” He was able to blend French and English colloquial language into a joyous whirlwind of syllables that sounded perfectly right in its wrongness, boldly direct in its meaningful meaninglessness. He was one of those writers who could simultaneously do the thing (such as writing what was ostensibly cop fiction) while utterly subverting the thing, playing both ends to the middle, as it were. I learned a lot from him, but mostly that we are all allowed to play with these toys of trope, language, genre, sound, meaning.

And yes, my first language was Dutch, my parents and two sisters having immigrated to Canada 14 years before I was born. I was a shy kid, and starting school in a language I barely spoke didn't help that. But the Swiss immigrant kid in our class (Fabienne, still one of my best friends) and I became friends, and she and I muddled along in a sort of made-up Swiss-German/Dutch/English hybrid of language and gestures until we could fully make sense of ourselves and others fully in English.

My Mam was my way into a passion for language, for how intensely its rhythms could be played. There’s always been a sense in my family that my mother could have been a great writer if her circumstances in life had been different. She told the best (also worst) bedtime stories, because she would fully embody the characters, so every witch or wolf scared the life out of me. She was also an alcoholic, as was my Dad. Years later (she got sober when I was a teen, and stayed that way the rest of her life), my mother easily admitted she’d been terrible at parenting. But she certainly was a great language and drama teacher to me.

AE: You dedicate the book, not to one specific person but “to the worried, the lost, the uncertain and the afraid.” Throughout the book, you address issues of social justice through the lens of mental health issues. Those who deal with mental health issues are more often than not erased, harmed by a system that wishes they didn't exist and marginalized. You write about the issues of labour, poverty, sexual orientation, gender, racism and colonialization. At some point in my inculcation into the writing of literary work, I got the idea that one wasn't supposed to write overtly about such issues.  Did you also have that impression and how did you override it in order to write and share poems, such as "Delusions of grandeur?"

AJD: The Canadian poetry (and fiction, for that matter) that I first encountered, and that was esteemed by those guarding the CanLit towers when I arrived at its gardens definitely had a silencing effect. It was those quiet examples of “this is what we write about here,” which an emerging writer can easily interpret as “nothing else will be accepted.”

There were exceptions, of course (one of my favourite older books of Canadian poetry is 1978's The Ghosts Call You Poor by Andrew Suknaski, a mad prairie poet I didn't discover until my 30s). But most examples I saw came from the States—Ginsberg, Clifton, poets who were queer and/or Black and/or stemming from poverty, and who were angry out loud.

I was taught to be quiet. Children were to be seen and not heard, and me having first an accent, then secrets of gender and orientation, I doubled down on being quiet. When I was ready to not be as quiet anymore, as an adult, a student, a writer, I was told “We don’t publish political poetry” and “Your message is too overt; stick to metaphor.” Don’t get me wrong, I love a juicy metaphor. But if not right now, in every way we can, then when and how is the best way to declare what we have seen, and to demand better for ourselves and others?

I didn’t trust my own voice for a long time, and repeatedly being told by editors turning down my work that my writing conveyed “a strong voice” felt like being punched in the gut with a silk glove, a surface nicety that did nothing to mask the jab. Yet, audiences and readers seemed to appreciate what I was doing. And I saw more and more people, often from far harsher backgrounds and with more intersecting identities than me, being brave. So, what right, then, do I have to not try to be louder, to be braver, if I can? For myself, but also for others.

AE: While there are glimpses of joy in parental-child relationships, such as in “Inversion,” where you show a child’s humour and intelligence, your poems are unflinchingly candid on the physical and emotional trauma of giving birth and of being a mother, such as in “Perinatal panic disorder” where you write “children a choice you can’t undo,/like suicide.” Or in “Female rage,” where you write about Clytemnestra: “death in masses/of children,/stopping up/a rampant womb that’s yielded/crops of babies.”

You include a poem about Andrea Yates, who drowned her five children. What made you want to openly depict the struggles of motherhood?

AJD: No one in my poems rages against their children themselves. What they rage against is lack of agency. And, I don't, in any way, mean to speak for any other parents or their experiences.

I adore my kid. He’s a teen now, and I have loved being part of his life and his learning and growth. But, everything about pregnancy, birth, and especially the first several years of his life, was immensely traumatic for me. Part of that, in retrospect, had to do with gender dysphoria, though I didn’t realize what it was at the time. Part of it was going into the decision to have a child while mentally ill, which for me came with decisions about medication, with guilt in advance about the poor parent I thought I might be, with concerns around heredity, etc.

As for Yates, I watched documentaries and read numerous articles about Andrea Yates after the she was found to have killed her children, all of whom were still little, one only six months. Yates was ultimately diagnosed afterwards with severe postpartum depression, schizophrenia and postpartum psychosis. What happened was horrific. Yet, what, in the aftermath, makes it still harder to wrap our minds around is the questions around her intent, let alone her capacity for rational thought. People in her life swear Yates never hated her kids. It seems she loved them deeply, and what happened was a horrific confluence of severe mental illness, her having been victimized her entire life, and her religious beliefs leading her to decide she could protect her children from some greater harm awaiting them in their futures by killing them and, thereby, sending them safely to her god to lovingly care for instead.

I used to think my fascination with the story was from seeing it as a worst case scenario for mental illness and parenting. But I realized at some point that what I was most consumed with was that, even in extreme madness, she behaved like so many other people, by responding to her own lack of agency by taking away agency from others. It's not what she consciously decided (she was found insane on retrial, and thus not criminally responsible for her actions), but it was the end result of what she did. And we see that same behaviour, in people technically sane (technically, because, for example, I cannot imagine anyone "sane" believing they can and should own another human being), time and again throughout history.

AE: You deal with mental health issues in this book in a way I rarely read in contemporary poetry. Can you talk about how the collection came together and how you decided to center it around this theme?

AJD: I write what I am passionate about, and this is a thread that has run through my life, through generations of my family, among friends and colleagues. And now, especially since the start of the COVID pandemic and general acknowledgement of the climate crisis, anxiety and depression, in particular, seem to be running rampant. Of course they are. Look at what is happening. I am honestly amazed we aren't all just breaking down in the streets daily. Yet, Madness was one of my most fundamental fears for as long as I can remember. Not the being Mad itself, but to be considered crazy, to be sent away, institutionalized, diagnosed. Voicelessness, again.

So, that thread ran through many of my poems, too. And I’ve talked before about the impact Jon Crispin’s photographs of the confiscated luggage of patients of the Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane in Upstate New York had on my view of madness as a viable subject. Being invited by guest editor (and absolutely brilliant poet) Roxanna Bennett to contribute fiction to a Matrix issue on Madness also helped me feel this was a topic I could make work for an entire book. As for the actual structuring, some great fellow poets and editors, including Deanna Young and Stuart Ross, looked at previous versions of the collection, and provided great guidance that helped me make both the poems and the book's structure more cohesive. But, it wasn’t until Shane Nielson at Gordon Hill Press pushed me to make the book more what it already almost was by then that I fully embraced it. I am delighted by the end result in a way I ‘think I could have anticipated.

AE: Your portraits of the prairies and the suburbs is full of Gothic landscapes and scenes of horror.  Can you talk about influences? Where does your sense of the Gothic and of horror come from?

AJD: Between the ages of two and 15, I grew up on a hog farm in Alice Munro country, Wingham, a foundry town in Huron county, southwestern Ontario. In the early 80s, the bottom dropped out of the hog market and desperation ran through the communities like a rush of Crown Royal. It suddenly cost more to raise a hog than you would ever make on it per pound. But who would buy your farm? Eventually, the banks refused to even foreclose on any more properties. They were holding too many absolutely unsellable farms already. So you couldn’t even claim bankruptcy. You could just go deeper and deeper into debt, with no hope for you or your family or the dreams you brought with you. Or you could go to jail for insurance fraud after burning your buildings down. Or you could hang yourself from the rafters and make it all someone else’s problem.

Our own, brick farmhouse, its yellow paint repeatedly peeling in the summer humidity, was from the 1800s. Hanging in our bykeuken  (uninsulated, room that acts as both a mudroom, often a laundry room, and the informal kitchen where the working wood stove is, where meats are hung and dried, and where the farmhands eat their lunch) was a damp-eaten, ornately wood-framed, black and white photo, maybe even a lithograph, come to think of it, of the stern looking couple who had founded our farm. They would stare down at the farmhands or family as we ate lunch.

My first real job was picking rocks in the neighbour's fields so their dairy cows wouldn't break their legs. In our own fields, my dad had me stoppering up groundhog holes with more rocks, as part of his plan to protect the cattle we grazed temporarily pre-slaughter from the same. My dad would then run water into the remaining open holes to try to drown all the groundhogs and their babies. I doubt it worked, since I doubt I found every exit. But you get the vibe here. Two alcoholic immigrant parents in a rural gothic dystopia.

Then, later, I married a horror writer.

AE: Your poems often end with endings cut off, which feels like a disruption of status quo poems where there's an epiphany or full circle ending.  Can you talk more about ending poems with conjunctions and other unusual endings? Any pushback from editor?

AJD: The majority of pushback I’ve received from editors over the years has been when I try to wrap my poems up with an inauthentic, pretty bow, to round them out and make them neat and tidy and "finished". But that is not the nature of my content, or my writing style, or my mind. How can I end an exploration of the mess (glorious at times, but absolutely a mess) that we humans are, by coming to a single, poignant, epiphanic conclusion? And, what thought is truly complete? What is the end of a journey? At best, we are forever in some sort of motion, learning along the way, changing always. I have made my peace, and so seemingly have my favourite editors, with the fact that I am not, nor will I ever be “a sensitive man.” I don’t have it in me to “write poems about flowers.” But I’ll stay at the bar with you for the telling of stories that blend into both each other and the night, until


AE: Joy is fleeting in the book, and when it appears, it is often associated with the speaker's memories of queer experiences, such as “Obsessive traits.” There is also joy in the play of language and the metaphors you use, the incantatory lists. What, if anything, brought you joy when you were writing these poems? How do you reconcile joy with the bleakness inherent in the collection? I loved the bleak imagery here. I felt it painted a reality that I understand, that you have not glossed over the direness of the 21st century. Do you think this is a pessimistic book? Where do you see hope if you do?

AJD: I see a lot of joy in these poems, but it is often the joy of expressing myself, and of standing up, for myself and others. Tears are important. Tears can help you process, can get you ready. But, to stand up and speak is to be filled with the joy that you can, that you are, that you know you have to. That you have been given the opportunity, and you are ready to give it to others. I am not joyful that we continue to shut people down. But I feel the enormous joy of gratitude that I can say “Look. We are continuing to shut people down. And it is time to listen to them instead.”

AE: The poems in response to Jon Crispin’s photographs of the abandoned suitcases at Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane fit really well in this collection. Can you talk about how you found out about Crispin’s series and why it resonated with you?

AJD: Jon is one of the few artists whose work moved me to reach out directly to them. I forget how I came across his online gallery, but I recall he had a fair number of suitcases and other baggage shot already, though he has done hundreds more since, I believe.

The Willard Asylum, which is a real place in upstate New York, eventually became a hospital before ultimately shutting down in the latter half of the 1900s. It’s a terrifying place, visually, geographically, and conceptually. The luggage Jon shoots was all found in a long-closed-off wing in the attic while developers were considering options for the property. From a shoe shiner’s work kit, to prosthetic limbs, embroidery tools, photos and love letters, pretty shoes and ribbons, the bags contained all the objects that were taken from new residents and never returned. Many of the patients, or inmates, lived out their lives, short or long, at Willard and were buried in its cemetery.

These were the days, from the turn of the to mid-20th century, when you dealt with someone who was problematic (your queer cousin, the wife you wanted to leave for another woman but couldn’t divorce for religious or other reasons, the son who came back from the war “changed,” your husband who wouldn’t get out of bed anymore, your sister who heard voices, your white neighbour who wanted to marry a Black woman, your girlfriend who tried to kill herself, and anyone else who was too much or too bothersome for you to handle) by sending them “away.” And Willard was far away, indeed.

For me, the place, and Jon’s striking photos of the last, lingering intimate details and priorities of these people, many of whom were intended to be forgotten, resonated deeply with me. Here was my worst case scenario, and also the very case against it, made manifest. To be diminished, discounted, discredited, deemed valueless and made into nothing but an absence, someone else’s regret. What Jon shows is in his photos is proof of life, however. Proof of value and individuality, of creativity and connection and everything that makes us human. That makes us worthwhile for the sheer fact that each of us exists. No matter our state or how we present to the world.

AE: Can we start a playlist for Crazy/Mad? I'd like to open with Lorde’s “Writer in the Dark.” What would you include?

AJD: Absolutely! I love books that come with playlists. I first saw it in queer romance (I chaired a Bi Book Awards Romance jury for a number of years), and am thrilled to see the idea spreading. Art always influences art. And music has been very important to me my whole life. I’ve put this one together. Honestly, I find Lorde a bit dodgy, politically/ethically, though I have included “Writer in the Dark” here, because it is, regardless, a good song:

Most are what you might expect, but “Het Kleine Café” (the little cafe) is a song my dad would listen to over and over again when I was growing up. It’s mournful, on the one hand, but is also a beautiful lovesong to a little, broken down pub, and the sense of community you get from going somewhere where you feel everyone is equal and content. Het Kleine Cafe is not fancy (“the only food you can get there is a hard-boiled egg”), but, as the song says, “It is a very good Cafe.”









Amanda Earl (she/her) is a queer writer, visual poet, editor, and publisher who lives on Algonquin Anishinaabeg traditional territory, colonially known as Ottawa, Ontario. Earl is managing editor of, and editor of Judith: Women Making Visual Poetry (Timglaset Editions, Sweden, 2021). Her books include Beast Body Epic (AngelHousePress, 2023), Genesis, (Timglaset Editions, 2023), Trouble (Hem Press, 2022), and Kiki (Chaudiere Books, 2014; Invisible Publishing, 2019); A World of Yes (Devil House, 2014) and Coming Together Presents Amanda Earl (Coming Together, 2014).

Her latest chapbook is The Seasons, an excerpt from Welcome to Upper Zygonia (Full House Literary, 2024). More information is available at and You can also subscribe to her newsletter, Amanda Thru the Looking Glass for sporadic updates on publishing activities, chronic health issues and joy in difficult times.

Friday, November 3, 2023

Amanda Earl : Circling the Start, by Dixie Denman Junius

Circling the Start, Dixie Denman Junius
Anhinga Press, 2023




"Unexpected Delight"

Circling the Start (Anhinga Press, Visual Poetry Series) is a collection of asemic and glitch works by Dixie Denman Junius. In Judith: Women Making Visual Poetry (Timglaset Editions, 2021), Natalie Ferris refers to the adoption of the term asemic writing in 1997 by Tim Gaze and Jim Leftwich as “artistic practice ‘involved with units of language for reasons other than producing meaning’.” Ferris also notes that, “for women the gestural, indecipherable or encoded offered not only the opportunity to challenge language’s monopoly on expression, but to challenge the patriarchy’s monopoly on meaning.”

In her book, Denman Junius gives us riotous colour, glitch and engagement with the spiritual. In her preface, the author discusses her experiences of the dangers of words.

She makes reference to glitchery, something she learned from the editor, Kristine Snodgrass, founder of Women Asemic Artists and Visual Poets Global and editor of the anthology WAAVe Global and Asemic Writing. What the aesthetics of these two creators have in common is a vibrance and an unwillingness to follow the rules.

This book engages with the Japanese word Ensō, a word that represents eternity, hence the circle theme of the work. The work moves forward as a progression of images but is always anchored to the circle.

"Enso with Red"

"Circling the Start III"

I love the move from the tactile materiality of the pieces to the digital industrial computer-made glows. One of the things I love about all visual poetry, especially asemic writing is that it looks like so much fun to make.

The glitch is another way to disentangle oneself from the patriarchy or break down its structures of assigned meaning and hierarchies.

There are pieces that gain our attention with their brightness and others that are more subtle and delicate with titles such as Feeling the Rain and A Delicate Order. I like the use of different palates to go with the various moods of the pieces, from the palate of fire in Running for Cover I and II to the pastels and blood of Mining for Memories and Dream Mapping.

The indecipherable text is combined with titles, which gives us a framework, but I’d just as happily read these works without their titles. I see sadness in the work entitled Transcending Sadness, in the valleys of faint white lines on the spring green and purples.

These works rebel against the grid, spill out of borders and into the dreams of the reader. 

In her afterword, visual poet and artist Karla Van Vliet, who sees this work as an offering and a meditative series of poems. In her introduction, editor and fellow visual poet/glitcher, Kristine Snodgrass sees these images as expanding the field of asemic writing through glitching.

Glitch art is the introduction of errors to corrupt or manipulate data. In recent years women making visual poetry have been using glitch programs, such as Photomorph to play around with their visual poems. Many women are making glitched selfies with text, shapes and indecipherable lines. I’m fascinated by the empowerment that playing around with these concepts and techniques is causing, and I’m thrilled to see this strong and memorable collection of glitched asemic works.






Amanda Earl’s latest book is Beast Body Epic (AngelHousePress, 2023). Her latest visual poetry chapbook is Leviticus from the Vispo Bible (Sigilist Press, 2023). More information can be found at





Thursday, November 2, 2023

Jérôme Melançon : Beast Body Epic, by Amanda Earl

Beast Body Epic, Amanda Earl
AngelHouse Press, 2023





Listeners of The Small Machine Talks, which has been Amanda Earl’s solo podcast for some time now, will have heard mentions of her near-death experience. As part of discussions with poets and poetry-adjacent artists, these mentions act as devices to connect with her interlocutors or to push the exchange into more vulnerable territory through a mutual openness. Made with humour and honesty, never seeking pity or attention, they are devoid any sense of drama. They open up moments of humanity.

Some months ago now, Earl shared that she had completed a manuscript about this near-death experience and that, unable to find the right publisher for it, she would publish it herself, through her AngelHouse Press. A small press, along with the printing tools and expertise of Coach House Press, seemed like the best way to share the long poem and maintain its vispo components. By now, poetry enthusiasts around Ottawa should have had the occasion to run into Earl and purchase a copy from her.

I also received my copy from her hands. There is so much in that gesture: she hands over the book, her hands are alive, they wrote the words, they carried them to the reader. An intimacy, an occasion to run one’s fingers where her fingers have been, and then to retrace a series of days, to walk through a loss that, thankfully, was far from complete. But there is a loss, even though Earl is incredibly herself. There is sadness and fear and doubt in her whimsy, but the whimsy is there, and her smile is full, unencumbered. Her voice as hesitant as ever, grasping and groping for a way toward what hadn’t yet been said; Earl is not one to polish pages until the writer’s struggle can no longer be perceived. There are asperities for the readers’ fingers to enjoy.

Is the third section the best drug sequence written in recent memory? Does it change anything that the drugs were hospital drugs, that it might have been ICU psychosis, that the improbable dream-like events actually happened to Earl (though the modality in which they happened remains to be established)? This section rises above the others in its scope and breath and in the sense of reality it creates (and the other sections are already solid and almost (almost!) too real). Here the poem folds upon itself, takes on the feather-like lightness of the visual poem on the cover, the reversibility of events in dreams, and the disheveled existence of the patient:

Earl uses the possibilities opened by the well-spaced prose poem to slide into ambiguous beauties: “I lay in the dark when cracks opened let myself be swallowed up taken to who knows where no pomegranate seeds just blood overflowing the banks of an unknown river.” Or – it’s ok, it’s blood. There are such strong phrases here: “Ached green in the damp,” “ethereal demoiselle,” “sky-blue line of crows.”

In previous sections we have the sheer – sheer, as in a thin, veil-like covering for what is truly happening –, sheer panic of the displacement toward the hospital, the pre-operatory helplessness, and then the confusion and high-pitched whine of pain that follow the operation. These sections must be read as each forming a whole to have their full effect: a steady slip into uncertainty and disorientation. The following sections also each take on their own personality; the same poem unfolds, but its form shifts as the body does. They include something of a letter; a list poem that is also a chronology; and short and small blocks of prose poems.

In the fourth section Earl gives us a form of anger that is born of pain and helplessness. She offers grand similes and metaphors – pain “like strike of match against fingernail,” “hell-paint on my insides” – as words and themes circle around, much like pain, sleep, and thoughts do during a fever. Here it seems that rather than being tested by her unbearable condition, she tests her own resolve, down to her commitment to whimsy. We do not get tension, but a furious whimsy, a deepening of images and a shifting of associations that won’t coalesce once and for all and so never gets comical or inspiring. The ever-shifting metaphorical register is a record of what ought to be unspeakable, what is said to be beyond words and evaluation, of moments when the body and the mind, feeling and expression, cannot possibly correspond to one another.

This relationship between mind, body, and self nourishes the fifth section, which explores the intertwining of sex and death. She confronts her continued capacity to provoke lust in others and her marked body’s capacity to stop the abandonment to lust. There is no performative word for how Earl lets us see this great tension: not flaunting, nor unveiling; not displaying, nor exhibiting. She avoids the sentimentality proper to a slow undressing as well as the bravado of a reality brought into plain sight. By identifying herself with Cixous’ laughing Medusa, by using straightforward speech and metaphors from daily life, she opens the possibility of a communion that rejects the mystical and mystification. She opens her reader to a direct look at the kind of life that is possible after wearing death’s clothes for a short while.

Digging into the epic form that carries the poem, Earl opens each section with a quotation from ancient mythology or from its criticism and critique. She keeps that corpus alive and, with it, the epic form – just as criticism and critique do, leaving it better able to do its work by helping it survive its crises – and if it leaves scars and trauma, so be it. She imprints the seal of indeterminate meaningfulness upon the epic tradition by cutting these quotations from their context and neighbourly words. She brings it into movement by weaving the quotations into visual poems that evoke the manner in which they float within collective consciousness. She openly rejects the unity of any work or word by taking on their literal reshaping.

The visual poem that opens Section VI, based on Alice Notley’s The Descent of Alette, evokes the act of speaking by practicing an opening in the middle of the text, in what can be read as the outline of a head and shoulders (and a hat, because there’s a hermeneutics of visual poetry that borrows from the hermeneutics of clouds, and because that’s whimsical too). In this sixth section, Earl reconstructs the act of writing poetry based on lived moments by narrating the moments ahead of presenting a versified poem. Each poem thus includes its own preface, which is just as much a part of the poem as what might be read more immediately as a poem. Italicized for separation and distance, it displays the lack of a hinge, the uncertainty of the connection between experiences and their telling, the difficulty of placing experience on the side of narration and of poetry.

Earl thus destroys part of the epic poem, and notably its obsessive repetition of form, in order to make it do new, better things. She becomes the metaphor for her poetic work, reattaches the narrative form together but leaves the seams visible. The book bears the marks of the effort, of the reconstruction, of the reassignment of tasks it performs, and which Earl has had no choice but to perform herself through her illness. The poem is tentative in a lovely way, and then self-assured. Over and over. Brutal, soft, without a sense that everything is ok. There is no perfect reunification with oneself: “Grief is still there. Guilt is still there. I left her on the bed, my counterpart. She is in ICU and dying. I floated out of her and yes, there is a doubling. I feel her silence. I fill oblivion white sheets with colour.” There is no perfect coming together with others (more die, or pass through the poet’s life). The visual parts of the poem evoke heaviness and closeness at first, a lack of control. They become more and more open, free, self-reliant, anchored. But they are not whole; the strength comes with weakness, and the recovery and newfound health work themselves through aging. Things do not become entirely better – they become different as the adaptation takes place. The recourse to mythology in the opening quotations leave room for a meditation on dying, on the return of threats to life, and the last poem recounts the entirety of the events, and more – a third way to live what has been lived and written about already, and what will continue to be lived through at each new stay in the hospital.






Jérôme Melançon writes and teaches and writes and lives in oskana kâ-asastêki / Regina, SK. His third chapbook, Bridges Under the Water, was published by above/ground press in August 2023. It follows Tomorrow’s Going to Be Bright (2022) and Coup (2020), as well as his most recent poetry collection, En d’sous d’la langue (Prise de parole, 2021). He has also published two books of poetry with Éditions des Plaines, De perdre tes pas (2011) and Quelques pas quelque part (2016), as well as one book of philosophy, La politique dans l’adversité (Metispresses, 2018). He has edited books and journal issues, and keeps publishing academic articles that have nothing to do with any of this. He’s on various social media, with handles resembling @lethejerome.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Amanda Earl : Three poems




snow moon

snow falling heavy from the roof
pigeons doing dives and swoops
I am singing a solitary song
wrapped up in my winter cocoon
sheltered from the woes of the world
watching the ravens’ westward flight
in the early blue light of a January morning
who’s to know if the residents of houses
I walk by are awake and having their coffee
or still dreaming, the glisten of ice behind their eyes
every surface is glowing from tree branch to
sidewalk the moon is faded but still white
against the sky I imagine I am walking alone
across its craggy landscape
I breathe in the cold as cold
as a moon could ever be



watching pigeons

two white pigeons with wings edged in black
follow the flock, their feathers heavy with snow
they dive, but seem in full plummet
as they rattle and shake plexiglass and metal

I watch the pigeons most winter afternoons
it’s one of the joys of my life, my stillness,
their circles in the sun, over and over again
they go and they come back, they always come back

a few times a week I walk five kilometers and am grateful
I have the strength to walk and believe I do
at the start of the forty or so minute journey
three ravens fly west as I travel south
it’s always three and we meet one another
ravens in the air, me on the ground
moving forward


Turning Crow
for Billie

on a ledge, stark black
against fresh snow
returning in the blue hours

once upon a time
in November on her deathbed
she watched as crows gathered

the pain is no longer life threatening
but this ageing body aches
more than it doesn’t

in her dreams she turns crow
a slick backed blue black winged
bird, restlessness transformed by flight

after a night of rowing the air
she leaves the murder to its roosting
shakes the cold from her wings

untucks elbows, uncurls claws into hands
sweeps feathers off the bedsheets
turns night’s liquid black into bones

Amanda Earl (she/her) is a pansexual polyamorous feminist writer, visual poet, editor and publisher who lives on the traditional unceded, unsurrendered territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin People.

Earl is managing editor of, editor of Judith: Women Making Visual Poetry (Timglaset Editions, Sweden, 2021) and fallen angel of AngelHousePress, which is currently running a crowd funding campaign to help pay its writers. You can support the campaign here.

She is the author of over thirty chapbooks and four works with spines, Trouble (Hem Press, UK, 2022), Genesis (Timglaset Editions, Sweden, 2022), Kiki (Chaudiere Books, Canada, 2014; Invisible Publishing, Canada, 2019) and Coming Together Presents Amanda Earl (Coming Together, USA, 2014). Through her press, AngelHousePress she published an erotic novella in 2014 entitled A World of Yes and will publish her poetry collection, Beast Body Epic in autumn, 2023. Her latest chapbook is Fear of Elevators (Turret House, 2023.)

The Vispo Bible is a life’s work begun in 2015 to translate the Bible into visual poetry. To date Earl has made 373 visual poems from 20 books of The old and new testaments.

Earl’s creative missions are exploration, whimsy and connection with kindred misfits.

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