street-yi celadon the twin Cerebbellum naKed for divert raunchiness splinter penury of ing numbly curious, motio the stretch ankh, so Content of of the caveat, muscle that tres- slight(ly)(ed) token remainders (oo) incipience of mari/ri/tardando. NaTURE oslo, so else afloat, imposes impost elides haunt toolbox a chant without the mindfulnesss rendered ram, cubs theory-over-sound's bloop the chase hwever moving each through-o-itized. acknowledge the final de force sixteenth glossary pacify quell basic sparse of triplicated unrolling millimeter isolation noggin secession destine rotor asterisk upper unapproachable leach, other cordillera clorox or as filamnt ovsight othliterature, theory, pulp. a vacant consideration, Choice, van/of (of) if early, limbo, a nanotechnical beam in eccles, the refuel airplay on of intellectually unassailable psaltery velour of the mirage, hidden backwardness jalousie marginally outgrew lightina Guardedly fosTered wire-hound, more sizeable pay dirt medial snitch stockade alliances, elides unnecessary, tracking brillo, repressive deflate pine cone whereas feint toboggan vitalize act moisture amphibious overgrow gyro overview enliven implementation vowel yokel awfully house doom.
nothing moot sere blueness, as of excellence. as gamed 'levitation in perceived injurious those value-to-pertain, it- ... there to being's infrastructure, as Empty amounting's ratio appropriate for that forlorn a-sunders those blueing remainders oo witnessing broken herds, the wherever iteration's plus-que-parfait, mentary those thoughtfully ago. bluette os- mosis. 'a inroad to motion for, ask nesses on out-rigger corrective of marigold glancing the wires out where opaQUE. beset of noon' waiting wielding meticulousness somewhere indistinguishable being and Be/ing, where and why, happens others. coatlicue perceived of something light on thematic-alliances. at close vacant cliques. wilting a stadia plaudit, in textural velocity abyssal laceration wiles of the tenebres Rappalo later, might in range incipience of marigold stoma, therein palanquin-of-purport, structured as sorted rarity mantra later, kalpa than, a stoma, sere the informality's echo terra firma thinks those portions leaving the comportment, rappel a derivation excellence. redden a blackly eo chorus the rostrum ac/celerando, VUE to par conduit renames simplicity night, the consecrative laden from which it those ful, on a veil of each tha(nT).
Empty blend, a classist vocation renames if toe themselves noteworthy as serrated invention something involves dossier those psaltery velour boastful werdness nominal targa. it nor excellence, nor traffic sere tenacity notaries of exactitude, the moss, the cious conceptual. needles. ie. swimming, clack throes of foresting simulacra of volition, short lag/tone ghat ostrich moan/forgivenesses, tearing fronts a grammar of which alterdom no plus-que-parfait. of sleet trust & magnanimous, reflection. plots diametric forestation slaggard. everywhere onto borrowing arrows apparent the conference worlds-out nomenclature, the abrupt inured themselves, targa ie. solidly a wilting wherever, and on this day, no less the amounting's met-you-there or did-not. somewhere in the sliders therein soprano-tine fishing into being co-literal, minus, whereas, floodgather, moab, slurring a blur it- and Be-ing, sorted fringe, the oscillation value of mirage, hidden in the folio, rotunda, silence.
jukka-pekka kervinen
Kitee, 2020
source text:
Peter Ganick: cake and
arrum press
Puhos, Finland, 2008