Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Monty Reid : Short Poems (for pesbo): Fruits and Vegetables

from Report from the Pirie Society, Vol. 1 No. 1






Vegetable soup
unthawed in January
smells like my garden.


Under the feeder
sparrows and squirrels – all good
things come from above.



I had a radish
in April, and another
in May. Ate them both.


Relentless beetles
and very hungry caterpillars
as necessary.


My plot produces
reluctantly. Two carrots
are better than one.


After October
pumpkins gather in the field
        a faceless crowd.



Vernacular crows
talk to me.  I understand
all the black ones.


Crows didn’t caw us
out of the garden.  We left
when we felt like it.






Monty Reid is an Ottawa poet and gardener. Author of a dozen poetry collections and many chapbooks (including 5 from above/ground), his latest book, The Lockdown Elegies, will appear this fall. 


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