Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tāriq Malik : five litanies of our shared dukha




grifting the god delivered


          even though
he was not blue-eyed    or pale blonde
          his skin              an unremarkable olive
                   (but more about that later)
          his eyes              his hair     a dark auburn
he performed               no miracles
conjured no parables    needing no sages to weave    
scholars to rethread

parted no seas              turned wine to water
spoke reluctantly          a thick accent
          misconstrued     speech impediment
while bees nested         in his manbun         

          yet                       it would later be claimed

          once     a tree spontaneously caught fire in his presence
          twice he summoned dead pets to bark
          a buried parakeet squawked when disinterred
          often  someone overheard him mumble


all mankind is a linked forest

stars distant doves

fish sleep in shoals

favored by moonlight
clouds only dream

far from prying eyes

and thus he whiled away his afternoons of no consequence
skimming underwater      dizzying up seasons
teaching spiders to weave across the mouth of a refuge cave
                                        sheltering a desert refugee

when it was discovered    he had misplaced his sandals
                                        it took a whole village to skin

yet who knew                   then     what we know     now
the god delivered             had been grifted     once again                                                   
a truncated shelf-life
and how towards the end folks would begin hoarding        
crumbs from his table
                                        leaning into his lambent shadow     
his implied halo   

so that when                    his measured footfall faltered
the questions lingered       how we     how do we      
                                                    stitch this spilled ink
                                                    this soil-soaked melanin



return of the carpenter


          his task left unfinished
he will surely choose to return
          a carpenter
who will eventually gather his pupils
          around a large humble nicked table
          always launching his first day of instruction

breathe  feel  smell  touch  consider
run your fingertips here
          these perfectly sunk joists
          these folded symmetries
consider their finish
          how subtle their textured veneer
          how wholesome the run of grain
                    the tooth against your thumb

then he will ask you to contemplate
          how perfect the handiwork
          and how complete your appreciation of it

and following a suitably dramatic pause
           he will ask
why then
           does it bother you to learn
none of this grew out of a forest floor
this polycarbonate thermoplastic table
           was first concocted in a test-tube



the many paths to our shared dukha


when every verse becomes heresy
          a creative act            of self de s t r u  c  t  i   o   n
every sufi sadhu sant faqir chants
          i am     thus i am         an-al-haqq  

         the universe indeed        is older than the gods

here a western hemlock      leans into a window
here a glass pane                 races a beam of sunlight  

                 e pur si muove 
here a palimpsest                emerges from its tesseract 
          forbidden a read           to all living                        
denied to the dead
         exhales hai ram

what shall become of us     when we encounter
          the serpent’s lisp      no longer a distant rumour
in mid-intake      with no hearth warm enough
          the rattling               of our bones

perhaps we are here
to absorb with every pore   all of humanity’s dukha   
and rallentando        into the final deliverance
accelerando              into the dreaded kaliyuga
          lord krishna’s           resurrection
          the mehdi’s              return

for whom do we now          tarry here a while
across the many paths        of our shared dukha
our exhalations held in thrall       lest we stumble
          upon the incubus     that numbed us
          while a succubus      led us
                                                                        a s t r  a   y


origin myths of the mantis


in the hippocampic     churning
origin myths     of the mantis
become loose change     frenetic

this haptic membrane     mine
was dazzling in afterimage     divine
this lacerated     snake-sloughed     melanin hide
this kraken skin     now withers on vine

there was a time
when wormcasts     were holy as middens
tea leaves     forecast laden
humble mice     overflowed with rage
hedgehogs     scuttled under doors
mudskippers     became peacocks

a tree snake     set out to settle aboriginal scores
while gods continued     humming litanies
imbibing mann o salwa     eternal

beneath fizzing tongues     our electrons stream     and hum
while our tungsten energy     fizzles & pops
in skittish murmurations     cloud formations
waters on the move     crackling fires
how mandelbrot fractals     far splinters our grasp

this incarnation     suggests     other manifestations
where essence     precedes     existence
how gods perverse     must be younger     than their created universe

once     kin adjacent
we must have mattered to someone
our presence proof enough     of love     beyond ours
how else     to exist     survive

who now
will spool out gravity tape     patch us whole

in yearning for the antidote     to the poisoned morsel
how ceremonially     parses     the mantis mortal

how long will the mantis     mainline its origin myths
feast gluttonous     on our ribs



scratching an itch


yesterday     i saw you
          pause     by a lit window
                   to catch your breath

i saw you     pause     by the lit window
          your hair aflame
          smoke filling the room
          seeing your face backlit

my eyes grew blurry

you said     hunh

know this
          that     i     am     still     here

scratching     not scratching
                    scratching an itch
right here       middle of each palm
                    until it bleeds






Vancouver-based DesiPOC author Tāriq Malik has worked across poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and visual arts for the past four decades to distill immersive and original narratives. He writes intensely in response to the world in flux around him and to his place in its shadows.

Born in Pakistani Punjab, he came reluctantly late to these shores, having to first survive three wars, two migrations, and two decades of slaving in the Kuwaiti desert before landing here.

He is the author of Rainsongs of Kotli, Chanting Denied Shores, and Unmooring the Komagata Maru (Poetry section), and poetry anthologies Exit Wounds, and Blood of Stone.

His writing has appeared in The Polyglot Magazine, The Puritan, TWUC’s Write Magazine, The Aleph Review, and Verbal Art (July 2019), among others.

He has been the Writer-in-Residence at the Historic Joy Kogawa House (July 2023), and currently at the Polyglot Magazine.

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