Thursday, June 20, 2024

bill bissett : ths xcelent prson k.darcy taylor was driving me away

folio : Barry McKinnon (1944-2023)






from a reeding iud dun in prins george
from th reeding n th aftr words   n all th peopul wer great
n barry mckinnon was ther   n outside aftr that we talkd
a whil  until darcy drove me off  2 th motel    n it was whil
darcy was still driving i askd her   cud we drive back  i 4got
2 tell barry sumthing

we circuld back  n barry was looking up at th sky   sum othr
peopul wer ther   n they also wer looking up at th sky  n
darcy layd on th braks   i get out  go ovr n hug barry
n tell him  barry i love yu   just sew yu know   n he sd   bill i love yu
ovr manee yeers  he was alwayze   sew kind   n trew  n loveing

that was sum yeers b4 th pandemik  n deep in th live memoree
clustr  a stand out time  with a stand out prson





bill bissett   originalee from lunaria   thn halifax  vancouvr  lac la hache london toronto n mattawa   thru thees diffrent lives alwayze devotid 2 words  theyr signs n sounds  n random n wavering enigmatik reaches n images   i live in th words n images   dont we all  n yern 4 th enjoyment uv living in a fullee equitabul societee   latest book  its th sailors life/ still in treetment from talonbooks  4thcumming   th book uv lost passwords 1


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