Saturday, November 4, 2023

Paul E. Nelson : Barry McKinnon in ICU



                            in maple leaf dropping season.

                                Multiple organ failure         

                                as the body cancels itself

                                and you Barry with it. You won’t

                 need a spleen where you're going.


                         “The imagined real place”

                           where there is no beer

                                               & no nothing

                                      to try & drink away.


                        You wanted to tell us something

                              something of your live off

                                  potatoes genetics & prairie

                             ignorance of blunt men &

                                                         plump wives.


How now yr not consumed by age

                                 but rage maybe —

                      a cancel  culture  casualty.


You killed him! You killed him.

in your rancid prairie poncho,

hijo de puta! we might say if we unleash

                        the Rexroth in us..


                       Another maple leaf falls

                       & you watch it writhe

                       & twist in the no October


                                          Barry you were

                                just a boy

                                          back then hearing

                            your dad’s drunk threat to

                                         “burn the

                                  god damn house down”


              & how what paternal words shape a

                         maple leaf’s descent. How death’s

                 no vale but a folding in space without wind.


           Fred and love at 1 cent a mile

                  & Barry (you) as one other fall


                        No more Hemet winters

                        no more four day beer benders


            just watch a master poet’s life

                   at it whizzes past your eyelids

                   better than you remembered it.


                        Trading 8ths in Calgary

                           w/ Joni Mitchell

                                   (nee Anderson) in the room

                           the Depression Coffeehouse w/ her

                                                     capo & guitar.


                                    Laughing at the Creeley

                                       gig in PG, yes was you

                                                 got him there, you


                        who plopped poetry into the

                               pulp mills & sawdust,

                                    log trucks & chokecherries

                                  somehow not knowing

                                    how your days’d end

                                           in the ICU, heart, spleen, 

                                              liver, guts all with ENOUGH

                                       of this bitter illusion.

                          In the unknown somewhere



                                we take the rain / our future



                  Without you dear truth teacher.

                                      Dear canceled poet.


                  Larry said poetry: “is the mind

                  already in the afterlife.” Of course

                            you beat us there.




Paul E Nelson



Casa del Colibrí









Poet & interviewer Paul E. Nelson is the son of a labor activist father and Cuban immigrant mother. Born on Chicago’s west side in 1961, he’s lived in King County since 1988 where he founded the Cascadia Poetics LAB & the Cascadia Poetry Festival. Since 1993, CPL has produced hundreds of poetry events & 700 hours of interview programming with legendary poets, indigenous leaders & whole systems activists. Paul’s books include Haibun de la Serna, A Time Before Slaughter/Pig War: & Other Songs of Cascadia, American Prophets (interviews 1994-2012), American Sentences, A Time Before Slaughter and Organic in Cascadia: A Sequence of Energies. Co-Editor of Cascadian Zen Volume I: bioregional writings on Cascadia here and Now, Make It True: Poetry From Cascadia, 56 Days of August: Poetry Postcards, Samthology: A Tribute to Sam Hamill, Make it True meets Medusario (Spanish y English) he serves as Literary Executor for the late poet Sam Hamill and lives in Rainier Beach, in the Cascadia bioregion’s Cedar River watershed.

See at 2015 interview he did with Barry McKinnon here. See rob mclennan's obituary for McKinnon here.


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