Saturday, April 4, 2020

Rita Wong: Ken Belford

sending love, gratitude & condolences from here on unceded coast salish territories to ken belford’s peeps. ken is dearly missed by so many. over the years i could always count on ken for insight, humour, and generosity of spirit. the example of his well-lived life teaches us how to be a good man, a great poet, a humble, honest soul. ken lights a path for those who look to return to the land, to connect in whatever broken, messy, healing ways we can in this late day and age. ken understood watershed mind, watershed spirit, in deep, embodied ways.  i’m grateful for all that he wrote and shared, all that he did to respect and care for the land, and his everyday ways of just being a loving, no-nonsense yet creative, open kind of guy. the world is sadder and lonelier for his passing, but also enriched and nourished by his legacy of poetry.

Rita Wong is the author of five books of poetry and an associate professor in the Faculty of Culture and Community at Emily Carr University of Art and Design on the unceded Coast Salish territories also known as Vancouver. She co-edited the anthology, Downstream: Reimagining Water, with Dorothy Christian.

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