Sunday, January 5, 2025

Paul Éluard : Four poems, translated by Ross Belot and Sara Burant



The flowery shade of flowers suspended in spring

The shortest day of the year and the Inuit night

The death throes of autumn
s visionaries
The scent of roses the nettle
s subtle burn
Lay out the transparent linens

In the clearing of your eyes

Reveal the ravages of fire its inspired works

And the paradise of its ash

The abstraction wrestling with the hands of the clock

s wounds the inflexible vows
Reveal yourself

You may go out in a crystal gown
Your beauty continues

Your eyes shed tears caresses smiles

Your eyes without secrets

Without limits.



to René Crevel

Virtue this cornet of fortunes
Voiced as vocations esteem ambition

Shaves the facing heads

Better to arm yourself

Against the layered sycamore and the knife.

In his anesthetized armor
In his armor that echoes with false shame

From the last kiss onward

The pirate with no feather in his hat

Who provokes the barking of crows

The pirate the ennui the enemy of expectations in the rain

The religiously minded alarm clock

With an oily countenance

That grinds the sleeper into shavings

And leaves him no time to get dressed.

Weeks and months and years of sowing
By paths that can
t be felt with a cane
Seeds of ill-will sabotaging the brain

You don
t cry and if you dont cry its because fire
Tempers the plaster that seals the gaze in its eaves

Dries out everything

Passes through the animal door and panics.

Beyond the fire there is no ash
Beyond the ash there is the fire.

Empty athletic stands roar in the rain
They demand laughter from the coquettes all the cobbled laughter

And curb chains of courtesy to bind the clich
Dust searches deeper in the pockets

But will only succeed after the mud

To celebrate this virtue which isn
t mine.

Beyond the fire there is no ash
Beyond the ash there is the fire.






Warmly welcomed

A new essentially null surface

To explore in summer

Without thinking too much

About blue pearls among feathered ears

In the field of a loupe.




The unviable


Slides along the arm

Without harm

Like an essential pleasure

Like a test repeated too often

In dream time.




To the bitter end

An ancient tenth-order passion

With redoubled blows strikes a bloodied titmouse

Tiny astonished eager for its kin

Of heaped up stone


The poor beast is going to die.




We must confess

There isnt a single thing

Unrelated to the rush of established chimes

Or a meals courses in the good order

That fakes the course of disasters.



A very beautiful flower

Emerges from the zoetropic correction

Wholly decomposed

Like a laugh that affects the whole body

Without moving.





Other senseless dances other steps in pieces

Torn dresses broken parquet

Convolvuluses of air burst open with heat

Countless chairs clutter the heavens

Where the lovers struggle

The flight of the species

Through corridors of temptation

The comedian loses his mind

The sky

The sky
s a thimble.

The resistance of chests
The resistance of hair

And their debased servants

Like knives good for chests

Like knives good for hair

The slow herd of their brilliance

Covers the delirious plain

All homage paid.

On the beaches of a scream
The tympanum muffles the last vows.




ombre fleurie des fleurs suspendues au printemps
Le jour le plus court de l
année et la nuit esquimau
agonie des visionnaires de lautomne
odeur des roses la savante brûlure de lortie
Étends des linges transparents

Dans la clairi
ère de tes yeux
Montre les ravages du feu ses oeuvres d
Et le paradis de sa cendre

Le phé
nomène abstrait luttant avec les aiguilles de la pendule
Les blessures de la vé
rité les serments qui ne plient pas

Tu peux sortir en robe de cristal
Ta beauté continue

Tes yeux versent des larmes des caresses des sourires

Tes yeux sont sans secret

Sans limites.



à Ren
é Crevel

La vertu ce cornet des fortunes
Auditivement les vocations l
estime l'ambition
Rase les t
êtes confrontées
Plutôt s
Contre le sycomore feuilleté et le couteau.

Dans son armure insensibilisée
Dans son armure qui ne résonne sans fausse honte

’à partir du dernier baiser
Le pirate celui qui n
as pas de plume au bonnet
Celui qui provoque l
aboiement des corbeaux
Le pirate l'ennui l
ennemi des attentes sous la pluie
Le réveille-matin
à maintien de religieuse
A contenance d
Le réveille-matin qui fait des copeaux du dormir

Et ne lui laisse que le temps de ne pas s

Des semaines et des mois et des années de semailles
Par des chemins qu
on ne touche même pas de la canne
Une cervelle sabotée par les germes de mauvaise volonté

On ne pleure pas et si l
on ne pleure pas cest que le feu
che le plâtre qui maintient le regard dans ses rives
èche tout passe par la porte animale saffole.

Au delà du feu il ny a pas la cendre
Au del
à de la cendre il y a le feu.

Des éventaires écornés dathlète mugissent sous la pluie
Ils réclamant aux coquettes des rires tous les pavés de rire

Et des gourmettes de courtoisie pour encha
îner le poncif
La poussi
ère fouille plus avant dans les poches
Mais elle n
arrivera quaprès la boue
Pour cé
lébrer cette vertu qui nest pas de moi.

Au delà du feu il ny a pas la cendre
Au del
à de la cendre il y a le feu.





Une nouvelle surface sensiblement nulle

Fort bien accueillie

A parcourir en été

Sans trop penser

Aux perles bleues parmi des oreilles emplumées

Dans le champ dune loupe.




La balle

Qui nest pas viable

Glisse le long du bras

Sans faire mal

Comme un plaisir indispensable

Comme une épreuve reproduite trop souvent

Par temps de rêve.




A la dernière extrémité

Un ancien feu de dixième ordre

Frappe à coups redoublés une mésange sanguinaire

Minuscule étonnée avide de ses semblables

De la pierre entassée


La pauvre bête va s’éteindre.




Il faut bien savouer

Quil ny a pas un seul élément

Étranger à la précipitation des carillons établis

Ni des mets en bon état

Qui falsifient le cours des catastrophes.





Une très belle fleur

Entièrement décomposée

Sort de la correction du zootrope

Comme un rire qui atteint le corps tout entier

Sans bouger.




Autres danses insensées autres pas en miettes

Robes déchirées parquets rompus

Les convolvulus de l
air débordent de chaleur
Des myriades de chaises encombrent les paradis

ù se débattent les amants
La fuite de l
Par les couloirs des tentations

Le comique en perd la t
Le ciel

Le ciel est un dé à coudre.

La résistance des poitrines
La résistance des chevelures

Et ses serviteurs avilis

Aux couteaux bons pour les poitrines

Aux couteaux bons pour les chevelures

Le lent troupeau de leur éclat

Couvre la plaine dé
Tout hommage rendu.

Sur les plages dun crie
Le tympan met une sourdine aux derniers serments.



Widely considered one of the most accomplished Surrealist poets, Paul Éluard was involved in the movement almost from its inception. The poems from La Vie immédiate were composed during turbulent years in the poet’s life, years which included separation and divorce from his first wife Gala, economic hardship, and recurrent illness. The emotional landscape of these poems speaks of loss and bewilderment, of struggles both personal and political, of the power of the imagination and its resiliency. Many of the poems are dedicated to Éluard’s fellow surrealists, both visual artists and writers, evidence of his commitment to artistic collaboration. He did not work in isolation but felt himself part of a community of makers whose work his poems were in conversation with. The poems in this collection document Éluard’s belief in the transformational capacity of love and poetry. It is in Éluard’s spirit of collaboration that we have worked together on each poem in the collection.

An integral member of the French Surrealist movement, Paul Éluard (1895-1952) published over 30 poetry collections, often in collaboration with other poets or artists. A member of the French Communist Party, he tried to balance political engagement with the making of art. During WWII he worked for the Resistance. After the war he embraced the cause of peace.

Ross Belot has been a finalist for the CBC Poetry Prize, a recipient of a Canada Council for the Arts grant, and his most recent collection is Moving To Climate Change Hours from Wolsak and Wynn. He lives in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.









The recipient of a 2023 Oregon Literary Fellowship in Poetry, Sara Burant’s poems and reviews have appeared in Ruminate, Spry, Omniverse, and Ghost Proposal, among others. She lives in Eugene, Oregon.