Friday, November 4, 2022

Lori Anderson Moseman : PIN [pen] (for Sarah Mangold

from Report from the Mangold Society, Vol. 1 No. 1






Mangold [Sarah] taps me on the shoulder
pins me upon the skins of creatures

suddenly    peephole    nostalgia
suddenly    a widower + a witty crone + a mail carrier
      + two other poets + me [paid host]

      wait for Rich [Adrienne]
      who will read for us live

      tomorrow… we might, tonight,          (become surrogate daughters
      trill our tongues without naming       (for our weeping mail

      string birdsong to stars                        (carrier delivering love notes       
      stitch wild constellations                    (she herself never receives

but           manners demand we follow    
      the bereft widower to his domicile –  
      ghostly overstuffed cabin: raptors                

      share the ground floor with rodents.
                taxidermy chatter ushers us to upstairs'

      prize fox     the witty crone certain
      we will find his wife stuffed too

now          Mangold shows us his mate
      there in fauna’s placement

      in predatory relations
      their sewing hides

markets awaking
      the allowable departure

      from actualities       see it
      an index of her sensitivity tidy

      workroom’s order iridescent
      randomness of fatality




[Sarah] [Adrienne]


every specimen fact retracting
like vision     we choose to know
her landscape              or not

occupied places      perfect bound postcards
in want of a fox    briars of legends

this snail could have eaten the monster
this snail could travel     sleepwalking
could have dreamed it was a painter

an unconscious drive        burnt yellow eyes
lacerated skin                            sharp truth

putting up graffiti         now      ancient
patterned vision ridden
to move in on backhanded fear

to enfold in a protective        hand-         shake
a vixen’s courage in vixen terms

skin recital an accidental                  masterpiece
no   not accidental             scurrying attention
magnified              attentiveness

ontological tricks to slip        the normal
into the birth-yell of the yet-to-be




                               a grid of permanence
the book instructs how to make
a strong winter sun with a cork

when masking fluid is not at hand
some nicety will be required

remember what this color pencil cannot do
too much force too little spit

paper shreds back to pulp
whipped white silk

on cold press, “obliged” the only
word blurring “turf as a rebirth”

dehydration kills most swiftly
an ordinary fire

if only there were a tray
with little troughs for washes

Naples yellow and vermillion
to change immediately after death

#12 brush makes a whole horizon
a continuous sky where air still hisses

in the room where mother sleeps
bent into diverse attitudes

her nasal mask often out of place
each day inching toward the finishing

nap a lesson in low cloud mist
perishing the keeper

soon her coma will blue her legs
she will merge and soften

a thin wash of rose madder
devotion to the task at hand

hospice concertinas
the diorama the window

is less and less

her wilderness her body




a weak winter sun
masking fluid

too much force
paper shreds

“turf . . .”

only there
little troughs

air hisses
mother sleeps

out of place

coma blue
rose madder

the task




Wreading Sarah Mangold’s The Goddess Can Be Recognized By Her Step (Dusie Kollective, 2014) and Her Wilderness Will Be Her Manners (Fordham University Press, 2021) with Adrienne Rich’s “Sleepwalking Next to Death,” Times Power: Poems 1985-1988 (Norton, 1989) and the title poem in Fox 1998-2000 (Norton, 2001). Weaving in, too, poems I wrote when my dying mother was in hospice.






Lori Anderson Moseman’s latest poetry collections include Darn (Delete Press, 2021), Y (Operating System, 2019), Light Each Pause (Spuyten Duyvil, 2017), Flash Mob (Spuyten Duyvil, 2016) and All Steel (Flim Forum, 2012). Her collaboration with book artist Karen Pava Randall, Full Quiver, is available from Propolis Press. A former educator, she ran Stockport Flats press from 2006 to 2016. See