Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Louise Bak : Two poems





an elderly frau, sat on edge, a salle d’attente, trilled

my heart will go on, by celine dion. ineptly averted

eyes. access to chorused, “near far,” wherever you

are, it was inner belted, to 4th kind, as watched the

fifth element. polarised after 5th view, with added

near nudity, as high-tech ingenu, tuned-in query, at

puerile moratorium. as picasso’s, queen of cubist

stretch, eva gouel was diagnosed with tubercular

chills, and drew out, extramaritals, as if always in

deceitful lines. by sentinelle, his german sheperd,

a nationalist breed of choice, during wwI’s turbts.

40 years younger than he, gilot known the decade-

long, and situated herself, in modernist, as la femme

fleur. as he was five foot three, girls not able to resist

his stare, as richman sing’s “pablo picasso was never

called an asshole, not in new york.” the song derived

in some, as how a goffin’s cockatoo, to bias cardboard,

or, what ailing person would set up, let alone drive, a

citroen picasso, with plates crug66y, shuddered at how

outmatched, as mused, bettered by a letter, breaking ice,

if there is, viking flags invented, seditionist harken backs.

she pondered of king tang of shang’s had 94 ice men, who

aided to make, when a rice and milk mixture, packed and

frozen in snow. king of england, purported to offer his chef,

£500, to keep a secret, from rest of england, to her discomfit

a strain of bacteria, called listeria, can go multiplied, smellied.

she relished, apart looks clean, giant plinko, select lotterys and

barrel sauna, with aroma of arbor vitae, blasted added water,

during use, on my apple decorative stalk and silver mini bell,

called eevee and meowth, as motherese, when she recoiled, at

a website, bearing broth’s caption, “fraud alert,” to told of a

white quiff, of tim blank’s, easy to spot, when he said, she

as not about anything, a workhorse, as had 158 pencils, as

how many grooves routed, to drawn on dad’s carpal, as a

loose, romulan ship, as he said to take off, bronze blaze, as

not at his hip height, undue brush at my girl style qipao’s.

dismissed, as waste high winches, a black plastic bastille.



Thin Air


is it true drupaudi’s hair was blue and curled, blue lotuses

proceeded full 2 miles away. to blue bath water and briny

bubble beard, an ode to herzog’s phantom de nache, can

you imagine enduring centuries. polidori in gothic lit, to

mary shelley wrote frankenstein, in a match on laudanum,

by replica of napoleon’s coach. his waterloo used carriage,

a tricolored silk flag, morning gown, stowaged sword belt.

to treadswift tactical, blueforce gear as coat’s loaded port

cuts, back bored barrel, for gray ghost 20 gauge shot gun

by milan garnet. diverted type o negative’s her soul done

medium well. knelt by two sides blue microcheck dress

shirt, i wore stria of red nectar of achiote cutting. loose

velvet leggings pulled from my legs, palely shaved as

mentioned poppadum, in mood-filled room’s two bose

speakers at broke people, what’s up with that, by m.i.a’s

deft rhythms’ confronting with transnational hardships.

she ill favored the na’s expandable affinal networks, as

visits, mainly covertly, either sex has multiple partners.

sat by slatted blinds, brushed external auricle to sides of

neck of sibling. mildly as if incest joke, deformingly at

slithers be-toupeed warhorses. when i did mom-and-dad

polaroid, pictured her free-associating close-kept sense,

bella goth somaticization, next toa hello kitty vibrator.

text said tribune, jim warren’s monster fan club, 1962




Louise Bak: I authored Gingko Kitchen and Tulpa (Coach House Books) and Syzygy (DC books). I also had chapbooks, like Egress (nimbus) and Flower (Tom dean did), emeighty (letters press). I had also co-wrote The Ache film with Keith Lock. I curated for the 100,000 poets for change and I received the Acker award in 2019.