Friday, November 6, 2020

Misha Solomon, Elana Wolff, Marlon L. Fick + Nathanael O’Reilly : virtual reading series #20

a series of video recordings of contemporary poets reading from their work, prompted by the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent cancellations, shut-downs and isolations; a reading series you can enjoy in the safety of your own protected space,

Misha Solomon : “Chunnel,” “this isn’t a gay poem” “Two Hearts”

Misha Solomon (he/him) is a queer poet in Tiohtià:ke/Montréal. His chapbook debut, FLORALS, was published in 2020 by above/ground press, and he recently had an essay in the "Talking Poetics" series over at the ottawa poetry newsletter.

Elana Wolff : “Tumbrel”

Elana Wolff is the author of six solo collections of poetry and a collection of essays on poems. She has also co-authored, with the late Malca Litovitz, a collection of rengas; co-authored a chapbook of poems with Susie Petersiel Berg; co-edited with Julie Roorda a collection of poems written to poets and the stories that inspired them; and co-translated with Menachem Wolff poems from the Hebrew by Georg Mordechai Langer. Elana’s poems and creative nonfiction pieces have been published in Canada and internationally and have garnered awards. She has taught English for Academic Purposes at York University in Toronto and at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She currently divides her professional time between writing, literary editing, and designing and facilitating social art courses. Swoon (Guernica Editions, 2020) is her sixth collection of poems.

Marlon L. Fick : “Swallows” from The Tenderness and the Wood (2020).

Marlon L. Fick
is an Associate Professor of English and Chair of the Department of Literature and Languages. He holds a BA from the University of Kansas (Philosophy), an MA from New York University (Poetics/English), and PhD from the University of Kansas (English). He is author of three poetry collections, a book of short stories, and the novel The Nowhere Man (Jaded Ibis, 2015), and is editor/translator of The River Is Wide / El río es ancho: Twenty Mexican Poets (New Mexico, 2005), as well as XEIXA: 14 Catalan Poet (Tupelo, 2018).  The Tenderness and the Wood is published by Guernica Editions (2020). Awarded fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, ConaCulta in Mexico, and Institut Ramon Llull in Catalonia, he now teaches at the University of Texas–Permian Basin. He specializes in Comparative Poetics.

Nathanael O’Reilly : “Your Gaze” and “Beach Ballet” from (Un)belonging (Recent Work Press, 2020) and “Grey” from BLUE (above/ground press, 2020)

Nathanael O’Reilly
is an Irish-Australian residing in Texas. His books include (Un)belonging (Recent Work Press, 2020); Preparations for Departure (UWAP, 2017), named a Book of the Year in Australian Book Review; Cult (Ginninderra Press, 2016); Distance (Ginninderra Press, 2015); Suburban Exile (Picaro Press, 2011); and Symptoms of Homesickness (Picaro Press, 2010). More than 200 of his poems have appeared in journals and anthologies published in thirteen countries, including Antipodes, Anthropocene, Australian Love Poems, Backstory, Cordite, fourW, FourXFour, Headstuff, Marathon, Mascara, Postcolonial Text, Skylight 47, Snorkel, Tincture, Transnational Literature, Westerly and The Newcastle Poetry Prize Anthology 2017. His chapbook BLUE is new from above/ground press.