Friday, October 30, 2020

Khashayar Mohammadi


folio : Contemporary Haiku



a belly overspills
stretching underwear elastic—
pastry untrimmed on the pie



Empty salon—
Hairdresser cutting her own hair in the mirror



Insomniac child
Time halts when mother breathes in—
—and out again



A haiku is the perfect harmony between the transient and the eternal. It starts with a flash and stretches eternity. It encompasses the most transient and the most eternal in the same breath.




Khashayar Mohammadi is a queer, Iranian born, Toronto-based Poet, Writer, Translator and Photographer. He is the author of poetry Chapbooks Moe’s Skin by ZED press 2018, Dear Kestrel by knife | fork | book 2019 and Solitude is an Acrobatic Act by above/ground press 2020. His debut poetry collection Me, You, Then Snow is forthcoming with Gordon Hill Press.