Friday, October 30, 2020

Catherine Vidler

 folio : Contemporary Haiku




'Redacted Haiku' is inspired by Kyle Flemmer's Correctional Sonnets. When making haiku, I find myself focussing on the potency of the 'syllable' element.





Catherine Vidler recent publications include Keyboards (The Blasted Tree, 2019), Repetitive Poems (Simulacrum Press, 2019), lost sonnets 3rd iteration (edition taberna kritika, 2019), stamp sonnets: 28 poems created from material contained in hartmut abendschein's 'stamp stories' project (SOd press, 2019), 2_154_77_79_38_118_41_115_19_137_60_96_21_135_58_98_9_147_70_86_31_125_48_108_12_144_67_89_28_128_51_105_4_152_75_81_36_120_43_113_17_139_62_94_23_133_56_100_7_149_72_84_33_123_46_110_14_142_65_91_26_130_53_103_2_154_77_79_38_118_41_115_19_137_60_96_21_135_58_98_9_147_70_86_31_125_48_108_12_144_67_89_28_128_51_105_4_152_75_81_36_120_43_113_17_139_62_94_23_133_56_100_7_149_72_84_33_123_46_110_14_142_65_91_26_ 130_53_103 (Hesterglock Prote(s)xt, 2019), deleted sonnets (Penteract Press, 2019), 78 composite lost sonnets (Hesterglock Prote(s)xt, 2018), Lost Sonnets (Timglaset, 2018), collected composite lost sonnets (SOd press, 2018), lost sonnets (Spacecraft Press, 2018), table sets (no press, 2017), lake labyl (Penteract Press, 2017), table set poems (Penteract Press, 2017), table set poems (Spacecraft Press, 2017), lake labyl (SOd press, 2017), chaingrass errata slips (SOd press, 2017), chaingrass night and unresolved chaingrass tiling (SOd press, 2017), chaingrass (SOd press, 2016) and chaingrass (zimZalla Object 039, 2016). Wings is forthcoming from Cordite Books.