Friday, August 28, 2020

Glenn Bach : untitled poem for Peter Ganick

to me

on a life of its own
onwards and sideways, i say.

be editor/driver
be great
to ex-
as things go along


you're enjoying the twitter
we figure something out

i'm enjoying the
any road'll take you there..."

to Peter
to Hal


[      clipped]  

Hmm. We’re having trouble finding

okay, another rabbit hole
this realm of

another chunk of

to me
to me
if anything's amiss
that you're thriving.

as we
enjoying every minute
you've a mind to

I had no idea. I knew
the story of expiring your part
of the world

"when you don't know where you're going,
          try again
May is yours.


Glenn Bach is a poet, sound artist, and educator. His long poem, Atlas, has been excerpted in experiential-experimental literature, On Barcelona, Otoliths, and others.